Angry women will change the world, change the world, empower, empower charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Be persistent, persistence, inspirational, empower, be anything charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Be your own kind of beautiful, beautiful, you are beautiful charm, inner beauty,Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Create sunshine, sunshine, inspirational, empower, you got this charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Femme and Fierce, fierce, inspirational, empower, fierce charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Fierce soul, brave heart, strong mind , inspirational, empower, fierce charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Girl you got this, You got this, inspirational, empower, you got this charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Girls can be anything, inspirational, empower, be anything charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Girls run to the world, inspire, inspirational, empower charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
I'm not bossy, I'm the boss, inspirational, empower, girl boss charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Keep killing it, kill it, your awesome, inspirational, empower, kill it charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Less to do's, more ta-das, get it done, inspirational, empower, to do charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Messy bun getting stuff done,, done, inspirational, empower, to do charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Reach for the Stars, inspire, inspiration charms, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Salty but sweet, tough but sweet, sweet charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
She believed she could so she did, inspire, inspirational, empower charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Stay Weird, be you, don't change, inspirational, empower, be you charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Think it want it get it, inspirational, empower, be anything charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
This Girl Can, inspirational, empower, be anything charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Today anything is possible, possible, inspire, empower, you got this charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Woman Up, You got this, inspirational, empower, you got this charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
You are beautiful, inspiring, Beautiful, empower, girl charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
You are my hero, you are my shero, inspirational, empower, you got this charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
You Go Girl, You got this, inspirational, empower, you got this charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects