Peace , love and glitter, peace love an glitter charm, Alloy charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects #77
Pisces, Pisces charm, zodiac charm, steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
Positive mind, positive vibes, positive life, positive charm, Alloy charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects #99
Praying hands charm, prayer charms. Alloy charm, very high quality.Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
Pride, pride heart, pride charm, steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
PT charm, PT, therapy charm, profession charm, steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
PTA charm, PTA, therapy charm, profession charm, steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
Raising Happiness, Raising happinesscharm, happiness, Alloy charm 20mm very high quality.Perfect for jewery making & other DIY projects #130
Raising my Tribe charm, raising my tribe, boho charm, Alloy charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY #1
Raising my Tribe charm, raising my tribe, boho charm, Alloy charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY project #1
Rawr charm, dinosaur, i love you charm, Alloy charm 20mm high quality. Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects #36
Rescue charm, pet charm, rescue, #rescue charm, Alloy charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects #121
Rescued is my favorite breed, rescue charm, pet charm, Alloy charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
RN charm, RN, Nurse charm, profession charm, steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
Rockin my bump, pregnant, bump charm, Alloy charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects #79
Rockin the Teacher Life, teacher charm, Alloy charm 20mm high quality. Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects #40
Sagitarius charm, astrological sign charm, zodiac, alloy charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
Sagittarius, Sagittarius charm, zodiac charm, steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
School Counselors Rock, school counselor, counselor, steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
School nurse, school nurse, nurse charm, Alloy charm 20mm high quality. Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects #37
Scorpio charm, astrological sign charm, zodiac, alloy charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
Scorpio, Scorpio charm, zodiac charm, steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
Scripture charm, Bible charm, scripture, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects
Sea you later charm, beach charm, steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for jewery making and other DIY projects