Known to drink and pass out, too much milk, love milk, milk charm, baby charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Lattes and lipstick, latte charms, latte, lipstick charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Laugh loud, love others dream big, laugh, dream love charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Laundry dishes and hugs and kisses, laundry charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Law School survivor, law school grad, graduation, graduation charm, stainless steel charm
Leave me alone today, cat, not talking, humor charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Leave sparkle wherever you go, sparkle, sparkle charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Leftovers are for quitters, left overs, kitchen, kitchen charm, cooking charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Leo, Leo charm, sign, zodiac, astrology charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Leprechaun, Happy St Patrick's day, st Patricks, Irish, irish charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Less Monday more coffee, coffee, coffee charm, charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Less thinking, more wine drinking, drink wine, mom charm, wine, wine charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Less to do's, more ta-das, get it done, inspirational, empower, to do charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Let go let God, sobriety, God charm. Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Let it snow charm, christmas, christmas charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Let it snow, snow, happy holidays charm, christmas, christmas charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Let nature guide your steps, nature, explore charm, adventure charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Let the adventure begin, adventure, adventure charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Let the Adventure begin, adventure, adventure charms, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Let the beet drop, baking, cooking, baking charm, baker charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Let the sea set you free, sea, crab, sea charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Let's do this boys, Baseball, sports, I love baseball, ba and ball charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Let's get lost, get lost, new adventures, adventure charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects
Let's get lost, let's get lost charm, Steel charm 20mm very high quality..Perfect for DIY projects